Vfbe Viubintes.
The election for Coekermouth is fixed for Monday. General Wvnd-
hant has the electors on the Tory interest, and his party are very active.
The final members at Ludlow, as announced by the returning-officer, were 101 for I bittield and No fin' Larpent. It is said that the Liberals I can prove bribery, and will petition against Mr. Bottield's return. This time, it is ids° said, the Liberals have taken care to have no hr./her) Olt their own side. The 'Cory agent, Mr. Peele, admitted that he lta,l em-
ployed pugilist, and it gang of blddgeon-inen, to protect the Conservati,e voters.
A rather novo! mode of testifying gratitude for political services has been shown by the Reformers of East Cumberland, to Mr. Steel, the editor of the Orrlisle „hollow/ : a subscription has been raised and ap- plied to the purchase of a freehold building-site in that city, which is to he presented to hint.
The unfavoarable accounts received by the Great Western of the condition of mereaidile affairs in the United States, and the certainty of
very large import of cotton, concurred with other causes previously m operation to produce a very dull market at Mande:sten on Tuesday. There was very little demand either fitr goods or yarn, and the prices of both were a shade lower than on Om preceding Tnesday.--Manches- ter GutudifIn.
At the last Quarter-sessions for the Hundred of Salford, a true bill was found against Heywood, a Socialist bookseller in illatiehe,4er, for publishing au atheistical and blasphemous work entitle,1 II;edam's Letter to the Clergy." The defendant traversed, and the trial will come on it the present Sessions, probably at the beginning of next week. Meaatinie, the Socialists, by way of retaliation, have instituted proceedings against sonie of the most respectable booksellers in the town, for the sale of what they allege are blasphemous publications; and on Wednesday, at the Ses,ions, indictments were preferred before the Grand Jury against 'Mr. T. Sowler, Alr, A mbery, and Messrs. Ranches and 'o. The bills were founts: and on Thursday the defen- dants appear, Il ia court, attended by their 5.;olieitors, and entered into the requisite recoguizances for traversing the cases till the next Ses- sions.—Coerespalleet of the Standard.