Viscount Melbourne has received it high compliment from his lloyai mistress and her l'rineely husband. A. very elegant Piece of plate, thrilling a centre for the table, has been inanuffict area for presentation to the noble Lord, which will bear the follow Mg inscription : " Presented to Viscount I.Nrellevirne, as a token of regard, by N'ictoria It. and Al- bert."—C'eurica. [Is this to be the parting gift?] 'Flue 1Iorn:ng Post publishes this account of straege proceedings at the Queen's Dien% ing-room on 11Ionday- " cl'AllAN'elNr. .vt"ritu namvonn-inoom.
" Itowever nhii;:,1,nfnil to yowl:: ladies, on their tiri.t pre,entation—to country cousins and to trade,tnen's t unities, who c.itinut anywhere ch-e move on a par with the aristocracy, drawing-romns are well known to he dread- ful c,reile:r to the tliploulacy, to eoble and otlicial pr stomp's, and AM more to the ang-ttst personages to 11 horn particularly hi lotrs this lol'Ile:11. Monday her 111jesty ;till., arc(' to 1:c particularly ruffled and haliToscd, hy tint; tenibl: ,(e as well as 7;•,ill,y ; and very code in the day tea alarming rumour came to curtail the enjoyments of the erual. A reniour reached the Royal ear. that one of tine &Mill American eliplomatm, hail a member M. iris household dyirg from the smallpox, but did not intend ro deprive himself of the en- jo)mentS of circle iwieileged to surround her Majesty. lion this liens, the Ortait Oflirers of the Omit were despatched by th. its Sovcre:;;11 to intercept all the daily iner,..a,:ng diplomates in ellifet111- 01. ell elatelr3 of the rninbow, fir 111.0re l.:ours we are iodated. Chri,toiler ColuittlmA. Our .:::n!,erotts &lies were first put in qua-
randue to Im little astotti,l,:...• tit and t;i,utty, and then underwent
an, elect .,tell io.,t say, woo the perfection of furemie acumen, i; is well (mewl] that \','1:tg itiIici,ai have marrellong talent4 11 r that that is net :.-trletly ut thir department. But the victory Fen:aim:1 wah our allies; It 110 tlIni,.(1 the tables upon the NV by pros hug to them that the culprit was an ex-distinguished repre- sentative IX 1.:mr.:.,11d in the New World. On the heanl of his Excellency de- in:Aided, ne, it entered sivntly afteruar,is, the aeuttmu'Aed thunders ; and the entrance of the penetralia being barred to him, v..niuly did lie {Vail' in the older it.gions the opportunity of exploinieg that he luttl ken examined previous to. his coming by the tolieers of be,:ltin and hall been certified ' The and fit-suppressed. smiling, may be imagined as the rueful cow:ten:owes of' he 71011rClUf inn,ixrle ellt,:iYa the august precinct."
The new military saddles now being made for tl:o 1.ife Gie.els and Royal Horse Guards (lilac), and which more to be immediately served out to the regiments, arc made without holster-piles for the pistols : which are to be discontinued throughout the British army.. A newly- invented carbine is being made for is or the use of the cavalry, with percus- sion-locks and caps. It s also intended to do away with the Grenadier caps now worn by the botvehold cavalry, and new steel helmets adopted in their places.— Tinres.