IRELAND. Mr. Norm en Ilacdoneld, Lord INIorpelh's Private Secretary, succeeds
to the Into Mr. Drtimmond's. °Ince of Under-Secretary for Ireland.
The Pilot remarks, that Mr. Fitzpatrick, Alen-thee for Queen's County, though absent on account of illness from the division on Lord Stanley s
Registration Bill, was well enough to attend Lady Cork's party in Bur- lington Street, on Saturday ; and that Sir William Ilrabazon was suffi- ciently recovered to he "enjoying convivial festivity at the Imperial Hotel" on Monday last. Explanations arc desiderated.
Mr. O'Connell has written two letters, one to Mr. Ray, the other to the Acting Secretary of the National Repeal Association, on the late division on Lord Stanley's bill. 'rho following arc extracts from the
first- .. Yon see by the ;vent. tient I wr.F. ri;ht when I =aid that the Scorpion would sue- reed in working his hill into Cianotitte... Ilk majority NV.IS ,111,111---el ell Smaller than I exp. etea ; belt it was 1,11'1,.rk the tone and temper of the notiority of the House towards Ireland. Is thew one single man in ltolee't. , blind as not to s. e the utter Impe:esness four putiele of rear,,,;s of any Iri-,11 grievance
from this I'm-1;11141ft? nay, wl.e.o the t ,e. so -tepid its mt. to per..-Wive that we can-
not res,ili.v e'en e. hat The paltry instalment or We now enjoy Nt be (Aker ,:rmn c, meim the',■.t of 010 e011- 11eX• between the two r ”••••vie,. 'Inois is s mattife4 that • r.0 weaken: the etfeet or it by repeatn.q:, one as., ri'.0n. tint 4:111.
Tit I; It I. t th"1111.: UNION.
Tot.: useem. I t. 1 "
" There tea, one iiwkwel ,ateislaut ou ,to-hat.: ; it is Ili;, the' the ma wily in lax oar of the Iv, ••itent Pit wt's out t•d.e owing t•I the d.e...10tt of Lora tio,iek, at of his Prather-inol.,.. Mr. NV, otl, et:0;er for I falif.ix. Thrc rated with lia a:L'aitrsl the or.iii u!t the : they vetea now. agam.t e. ahtt t. r the la MI Cit.; it w11111,1, • to itoemrat for this u..• trtt],teirt:- :not \Ir. Wo.el. stlitt i. a olt:vor matt. hub: (11,mA, it; hi, ;lc., I tl Lue.: ,•'.1.' filial.... t - t :fteo.i!l!, it tor. 1.1 ill,' i.1'.•15 II and 11111,111iltillZ, I., 11 I;r, s to Ow rtatIttn, his hatro.1
so great ns not to Le kept itt, ii tun. (ici,...tey; awl his son and sott•11;•!:1W
an!, perhars, oNemahlo ill Irt.c.w.; vat u1 his et)ill'ollS. Cettilill it ia, that on thin, gee011ti reading', *rhea their rt:ht hAve dove 1s no halm—heeause it would only mist: a nut'eritv ..1 • tlitty:Lea siren jot' Ia.( when their 1..04 yeah' tiect,ivelY• otd by ialttry gad tomtit on Ire:aml, they vmea agahe.t e o •• t..k.; C.‘..r,ion Act—of the Grey prose- mnimitt ti, Itte,,tt.:.;;k1ttnyI I; t. othrr; a:ttimt frelairl practised by his government.-
In the second litter, Mr. tVConmill
sie— I wrote Tmirt,evy ,lop'oro, the Ne(irplial I', I: : till. G of the II Ittern. i.1 p; tority it:, a It) • the ; pre., pt I.:City ou NI. ;May mid i'riday. The r,,,,latioo allude to gal, it..., • t: .111111-•■!..t butt ye, troldg -the woids "PI' I 1).•..; Tiousday 3 from theist of June.' Tk. i•lientioa I tt) gill' 1' rhtvorouotat. e rimm .t ho ttatIs ta :-',press intention ; en that ky -III: nit' Jilt!, 01111tnitI••■• on his lt,Ir mchis,m •:.t I t■.• It v.,: soil ti ill the 1.11.1 That it UM of 1■1 110,..1er, .tint, S:CAI hi'would mint It 1, 1.:1.■ 11.• , 11k• •1111, t,rey inveterate ho.
. would owl- mit I ..; •■•. l' • ■•■ .! . , .1 ; mud now, it lie will ,••• ,t • • my t.e,Nwir 1,, II I am no prophet, t It•• i I i.nest, rt! !rt-I:ted, tt Li .■ •. :•y ,vhen Leland is the se,api .11111 Will not be n'tinottely iii. I tt • It• tt.• r.••• Ilisea.,:eu Irma Lord or Mi h{ ell surety lest: them at the nun'arnl u: ete tl.,/ Heed. ‘• t oh I-. .• tIte ...Iemus...1;1ov,, Lola Ntorla•th '4,II■t• Intll 1.",1 I 1,8/•,1 n:(1,.!;,• ■ho Lis!: III•y CI:pert:111,M or relief to Ireland from the Itaitol remedy-- the oi•A