The Pilot states that one of lmail Stanley's tenants has
been forcibly ejected from lnis Lordship's .:state iii 'Tipperary-- " A tenant named I Meerth 1■■ 't week expelled lion the lands of Ought!. The Sheriff, preceded liy It01;01, the ne:cia. and accompanied by It com- pany of midicr,:, turned hill out ah,l his 'muse to the earth; not a vest ige of it remained in a few 1..mrs. Poor Gorman ow., a good tenant, and owtti No R ENT to Stanley on tine day of his dismemberment." [We have always under:toad. that 1,m' Sandr1 is an excellent and even popular land!onl—was it a mistalli•i] It appears front a Ccrk. t.•itper. that ,..imimittali.3 for drunkenness are increasing in Cork, in spite o.' Pather 3l1thew. Mr. Power, 1:11.P. \V;Iterttird County, was recently married ; lett rot before he Imd paid lot!. to tine Catholic Bishop who performed the ceremony, Its it venality f nr refoeiug to el/nil:Ss. Mr. Power, when ordered to submit to the ordieances of his Cturch, told the Bishop he'd be damned if lie would." Such at least is the story iu the _Dub- lin Packet.