The Great Western made the last voyage frem New York
to Bristol in fourteen days; and bronght half a million of dollars, several thousand ktters, mot one hundred and thirty-seven paasengera—being as many as she emald accommodate, and a hundred applications for bertha were refused. She made the outward voyage in seventeen days, though the wind was in her teeth during nearly the whole time. Iher passengers signed a letter er Iltanks to Lieutenant HoSkin, expressing their satis- illetion with the aceommodations.
The next Presidential election continued to abscrb the attention of politicians in the States. Several thousands of " delegates had assembled at Baltimore to take measures to secure the election of Ilene- ral Harrison, in opposition to Mr. Van Buren. Mr. Clay, Mr. Web- ster, Mr. Sergeant, and other leads ma of the party, were present ; and it was regarded as a very formidable demonstration against the Govern- ment. Mr. Preston of South Carolina attained up Harrison's claims to support in the following terms-
.' Harrison was a Virginian born, and son of a signer of the P, claration of Independence. 1 fisuui the biq Awdo-tiaxo, lie was a lieSeelidlilt IAf that liartheit who in the reign of the tyrant Charles said that As he was a tyrant I slew him.' Who cotiltt boast of better 1,1aorl in his veins than this descendant of the king-dc-fre■ lug, despot-killing, tyrant-hating afarrisoo ?"
The Van-Burr:114es had also a grand gathering, not so numerous as their opponents, but animated by an equelly reso:me and entlur:iastic spirit in fitvour of their champion.
There was a good deal of squabbling in Congress. Members abused each other in the grossest language; and " You're a daamed liar" ap-
plied by one honourable member of the House of Representatives to another, brought on a scuffle with boa ie-knives, forcibly stopped by
The Legislature of Pennsylvania proposed to adjourn without appro- priating- money for the payment of interest on the State Debt, for the continuance of public works, or for the ordinary expenses of Govern- ment. They were again assembled by at extraordinary tic: sage from the Governor ; but did welling more than pass a bill for the Flyill,Ait of their own allowance, a::d then adjourned to the 12th instant.
United States Bauk shares had been done on the 8th instant at 7:1. Bills on London, of which there was a large supply in the market, had been drawn at from 8 to 8:r. The crop.: ail over the country' are stated to be immense, both in grain and in cotton.
Mr. May, a merehaut from the West, visited New York a short time since on business, and disappeared in an extraordinary manner. A large reward is offered for the apprehension of his supposed murderers. Within the last few days there have peen two similar disappearances in this city,--one a Mr. Fry, of Lancaster ; and the other a Mr. Benjamin Smith, a clerk in the Pennsylvania Bank, and a man much reveeted. The imblic mind is naturally excited with these alarming events.
A Negro was discovered about a fortnight since, at P:r1levue, Missouri, who had grossly outraged two holies, ham ing committed a capital offence in one inatance. A court was formal by the people : he was tried, found guilty, and hung, It is right to add, that Bellevue is in a wild, frontier district.
Two considerable towns of the United States have been accidentally destroyed by fire,—namely, Springfield in Pennsylvania, and Pontiac in Michigan. An American squadron of vessels of war is to be despatched to the India and Clhina seas. It will consist of the Independence, 60 guns; Constellation, 38; the Concord, and another sloop-of-war, under the command of Commodore Warrington.
A sldp of about 300 tons burden, named the Sultana, belonging to the Bottum of Muscat, has arrived in this port, bringing a cargo of coffee and other products from the dominions of its owner. There are several beautiful Arabian horses on board, designed as a present to the Government. This is the saute vessel that rendered service some years since to the United States sloop of war Peacock, when in distress at the island of Mazeira.—New York Erenitiy Post.