The Progress of U.N.O.
The United Nations Organisation has started the last stage of its journey towards finality well. The Executive Committee of its Pre- paratory Commission drew the plan of the ultimate structure in a detailed and voluminous report drafted in London last month. Now the Preparatory Commission itself, including one representative of each of the fifty-one members of the organisation, is ratifying, and at certain points revising, the earlier decisions. The question on which discussion is likely to be keenest has regard to the headquarters of the Organisation. The Executive Committee's recommendation that the seat be in America is certain to be challenged, and there are signs that opinion in the United States is now realising the un- desirability of domiciling the Organisation on the soil of any Great Power. The United States delegation therefore may yet come down in favour of some city in one of the smaller States of Europe. A good omen for the harmony of the present meetings was the election of the representative of the Polish Government as chairman of the second committee (on the plan of the Security Council) on the motion of the Russian delegate, seconded by the British.