30 NOVEMBER 1945, page 16

Coun'try Life

MANY inquiries that reach us from would-be farmers suggest that very inadequate publicity has been given to the Government training scheme, which is open to both men and women.......

Latiercost's Abbey

Sm,—Mr. Wilfrid Roberts is mistaken in calling Lanercost a Cistercian Abbey. It was a priory of Augustinian or Black Canons. — Your obedient servant, H. P. HART. The Rectory,......

A Study Of War

Sul„—In your " Notebook " last week you describe as a "suggestive idea" the proposal that there be "a serious official—or failing that, an unofficial—inquiry into the causes of......

In My Garden It Is Often Asked Whether The Leaves,

the rather untidy leaves, of the lovely winter iris may be shorn. I have seen this week flowers from plants heavily cut (so as to get rid of accumulated snails) and some......

A Maternal Hunter

Here is an unusual example of the way in which a sort of matetnal instinct may quite overcome the hunter's cruelty. An excellent sporting spaniel, whose chief sin has been an......

The Order Of Merit

SIR, —In Mrs. Cole's excellent biography, Beatrice Webb, she states that he Order of Merit was reserved for "the superior sex." This is not accurate, as Miss Florence......

Beak Versus Oak It Has Long Been Surprising That The

woodpecker prefers oak, the hardest of our woods, for tunneling, and the bird often selects healthy trees. A yet more surprising example is worth recording. Some ten years ago......

Will It Be Warm ?

Is there any hard evidence that the weather conforms to the famous cold and hot spells outlined by Buchan? So far as my own tests go his cold spells, especially that from the......

Museums And Art Galleries

SIR, —A pleasing sign of the return to normality is the re-opening of the National Museums and Art Galleries. It seems rather unfortunate, however, from the point of view of the......

.dg If The Worst Comes To The Worst" Your Note

in The Spectator of November 9th you refer to the suggestion that the phrase should really be—" If the worse comes to the worst," and you add—" Perhaps it should, though I have......