30 NOVEMBER 1945, page 20
Songs In The Theatre
Songs and Lyrics from the English Playbooks. Edited by Frederick S. Boas. Decorated by Hans Tisdall. (The Cresset Press. I5s.) A COLLECTION of songs from the English playbooks......
Closed Doors
Huis Clos. Piece en un Acte. By Jean Paul Sartre. (Horizon. 12s. 6d.) WE should be grateful to Horizon for making M. Sartre's play avail- able to us in England. For M. Sartre is......
Islands Of Example
Inheritance of Dreams. By John Drummond. (Faber. 10s. 6d.) "THIS book is to be different—just straight me and you. . . . I will tell everything—concealing nothing." So begins......