30 OCTOBER 1926, Page 3

The Special Committee appointed by the League of ations to

inquire into reform of the Calendar has sued an interesting Report (Messrs. Constable and Co. s. 6d.). The original cause of the appointment of the ommittee was the conviction that a more rational easurement of time would greatly facilitate trade. he Report shows the numerous disadvantages of the regorian Calendar, with its unequal months and carters and half-years and its lack of fixity. Calcula- ons of payments which are made half-yearly, quarterly r monthly are, of course, all slightly inaccurate, since ey do not correspond with a half, a quarter, or a velfth of the year. For daily calculations banks use ecial tables. One hundred and eighty-five schemes • r reform were received. France sent thirty-three, merica twenty-seven, Germany twenty-four, but Great ritain, with characteristic phlegm or indifference, sent illy five. The proposals are classified under the heads f Simple Reform, Partial Reform, sad Radical Reform.

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