30 OCTOBER 1926, page 43

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iction THEIR TRADITION. By Guy Rawlence. (Constable. 7s. 6d. net.)—A Wiltshire country house is the point of focus of this pleasant but not very excitin g novel—it is the......

The Goose-feather Bed. By. E. Temple Thurston. (putnam,...

Thurston in his novel The GOO8er Feather Bid has chosen a theme well. fitted to his craft or " weaving the web desire to snare the bird delight." He describes the life of a......

The Principles Of Prime Ministers

The Political Principles of Some Prime Ministers of the Nineteenth Century.- Edited by F. -J. C. Hearnsliaw. (Macmillan. 12s.. 6d.) THE office of Prime Minister has always held......

Mr. Gilhooley. By Liam O'flaherty. (cape. 7s. 6d....

The Informer was one of last year's most remarkable_ novels, admirable alike in its economy, its intensity, its vivid starkness and overwhelmin g sense of drama. All the merits......

Current Literature

THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE, by Rdmy de GOurmorft (Cataliova Society, El. Is.), and THE REPRODUC- TION OF LIFE ; by A. J. Cokkinis (Balliere, Tindall and Cox, 10s. 6d.)—Tikse......

-larrrisn Slavery And Its Abolition;--- -by W. L....

(Lon g man. 16s.)—Figures may be dull things, but theyappeal to the informed imagination, and here are some which bear on the slave trade. A conservative estimate puts the loss......

A Year In My Flower Garden. Hy E. T. Brown.

(Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.)—The title and authorship of this manual taken in conjunction suggest a famous. poem ; but the suggestion has no justification. Mr., Brown (who wrote......