30 OCTOBER 1926, Page 43

Current Literature

THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE, by Rdmy de GOurmorft (Cataliova Society, El. Is.), and THE REPRODUC- TION OF LIFE; by A. J. Cokkinis (Balliere, Tindall and Cox, 10s. 6d.)—Tikse two books; the former translated by Mr. Ezra Pound from the work Of a Frenchman of genius and the latter written by an English dociOr of conventional Outlook, both deal with the mechanism of sex. They are noticed here because an increasing number of people believe that knowledge is a safeguard for the pitfalls of youth and both. books are written in a scientific _spirit, although the former is marred by an incoherent and needless postcript by the translator. We do not believe that physiology as here taught is necessary to young people, nor that a study of the mating of animals is_ indispensable equipment in life. Yet all knowledge hasits uses. These volumes give expert and careful treatment to a subjed which.we may explore or not, as reason and circumstances dictate.