30 OCTOBER 1926, page 3

This Is The Last Week During Which British Book- Makers

and their patrons will contribute nothing to the State, beyond Income Tax on net profits, from an enormous and highly-organized business. We take some credit to ourselves for......

The Duty On Bets Made At An Office Will Be

3} per cent. of the stake ; on the course or else- where it will be 2 per cent. Bookmakers are the quickest mental arithmeticians alive, and, directly or indirectly, this 2 per......

Simple Reform Would Confine Itself To Making Each F The

first three quarters consist of 91 days. The .tra, or 365th, day would be added to the fourth quitrter: artial Reform would divide the year into four equal carters of 91 days.......

We Publish This Week An Interesting Article By Sir Alfred

Mond recommending that the British Empire should be turned into a Free Trade area with a tariff barrier against the rest of the world. If anything came of the proposal to create......

Mr. Amery Paid A Very Well Deserved Compliment To He

Economic Committee. The Marketing Board was ow in a position' to translate into action the suggestions f the Committee. Mr. Amery hoped that the Conference ould consider whether......

The Notes By Sir William • Beach Thomas Under The

heading " Country Life and Sport," which have been appearing in the Spectator every fortnight, have been much appreciated, and we are glad to be able to announce that in future......

At The Imperial Conference On Thursday, October 21st, Sir...

Cunliffe-Lister, President of the Board of Trade, and Mr. Amery, Secretary for the Dominions , made introductory statements on the economic work of the Conference. Sir Philip......

The Special Committee Appointed By The League Of Ations To

inquire into reform of the Calendar has sued an interesting Report (Messrs. Constable and Co. s. 6d.). The original cause of the appointment of the ommittee was the conviction......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

on December 3rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 99.P r x.d.; on Wednesday week 1011 ; a year ago 102*, Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on, Wednesday 841 ; on......