A New Competition
The Editor offers a prize of £5 for a list of The Seven Wonders of the Modern World (20th Century).
_EACH list should be of definite, concrete " Wonders.- It would not be sufficient, for example, to choose Aeroplanes or . Wireless ; it would be necessary to mention a particular feat of engineering or construction. Or to take another instance, Skyscraper would be too vague, but the Woolworth Building would be admissible. In order to refresh the memories of our competitors we give the usual list of the "'Wonders of the Ancient World " :-(1) The Pyramids, (2) The Lighthouse - of Alexandria, (3) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, (4) The Temple of Diana at Ephesus, .(5) The Statue of Olympian Zeus, (6) The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,- (7) The Colossus of Rhodes. RULES FOR COMPETITIONS.
(1) All entries from readers in the United Kingdom and Irish Free State must be received on or before November 5th : all entries from other parts of the world on or before April 15th, 1927.
(2) Competitors may send in as many entries as they wish, but each entry must be accompanied' by the appropriate coupon.
(3) The name and address (or the pseudonym) of every com- petitor must be, written clearly at- the foot of , his manuscript. (4) The. Editor cannot return any manuscript submitted for the competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitors. (5) The Editor reserves the right of printing any manuscript sub- mitted. (6) Envelopes must be addressed : Competition, the Srpeetwor, 13 York Street, Covent Carden, London, W.C. 2.