red, ...101VPIN that tit : raised can be Wet. ne.l nut
be ail onerous litsit•ILR: it ss important One.
Amendment negatived.
511.. Ross: I to niov.., in give 8.
line 8, to Ins: tot a rr.siiitient pOitiOR". 1 do not thInk ut.,t doe: tir hon. and eali.on kletchei for Itmhurgh,Selicte, and '''o,ritandet Donald:AO wish to wm"ifitt,"1-icon. get getrla The ?dote Minister : 11 Mr. Speaker : A little . ?Ally questions -'lik°e'ittil(t'ins,. 55-7 'n`lfa:Ii:",•Fet rasioke , Tbelrime Minister : I think the right were like in 01 n he helphitto me. I think that the fignrrl or the holi, scrc'cni after " authority " insert " or on or after that slate". Sir Jocelyn Lucas (Portsmout. .uth): beg to mice, 'that this ith agree with the Lords in lit This Amendment is to in the drafting of Clause approved by the Home QuestioN pat Sin/ ogle Suhscatient Lords Ain siteh of the 1 by him tinder the lust; Mr. H. Wilson : Is the right hon. ..., „ -,,,,,,,,, ., Iigures ure baler tale than never. the second "pait-•• •... ..., .;,•., ., ; . supplementary question, this kind' of RIM places ",,,....Gentleman aware that wc shall all be Lards A raenehnents ronshlerrd. and Th^b,!Ireu:.:,iet.,,Iii,?.,,-,,i' ii:::17`gtroagiectt' tiencksnownititntut in the days of A I ' Ad ' istration not only Clause 3.—(SPECIAL PROVISIONSAright ,-,$ eilleceil."-s7c1". n 'elte country bill the House wan .three Itficoapn ix C.ERTAIN CA,-— hon. G 'entleman tell us Os. of l'pes as satisfied with its Prime Minister Lardy Arne .y, it he has now got these figures, 1 115!4/3s""'"' .--11 is today? Are we now to take it at end insert: Inc A In eiittld not get a Question tIOWII to him that" : figures given by the right hon. npoeced"ekalwill be a real sign of the in- ' asking for them a fortnight ago? , of the Consemtive Opposi. er, October, -Dill, as . ingly ; rem/ the na. with Amendments. SCRAP Mkt% DEALERS 245 Pfkafe Ploire,s 110USE OF COMMONS • ip■■11 ; The flume met at Ad /Tait Two detach PRAYERS (Mr. SPEAKI:It in the Chair) PRIVATE .BUSINESS ve. in Pa of ur. .Mrs: I beg 0111111ette 01 C:11.'bra:i711in: Acienei'lllittilileitli:stid four others it Will be amvenient to take the nui,:ur ti,b_es tifo.mooi,e6.bioriut this if.5, tr:Q:'`'1:t1"'n 1:1;',111:71di:n/le-erd The Depoty•Chairmito: .1 thins: 1 I, i force of SIII,,t7',1,7ir Lards A menthe lion, whether in six or ttvelse mon, line 1. to leave out paragrapli-IO. .1: .11.• Lai, into .olee of this i•eiiii-ii", • ..With when the Act shall toter into op shirred,'" . ...., . of ano', !Luce, • • 'NI. Amendment with this Anietwiment.!_.., """ ANLIMINIENTS hi,..f, slagc. should have thought that..15, A Willeilne'lltl I iol■idered. c Amendment was entirely e I/,. by :ending the stamps by !nisi to t.. Robert, soul nil related to it._ ___. -•is,..n.ranc.eatitin.a,,,trwaatio. 101 in," '• ILI( liNSING or RIDINo been produced by the authorities to .11, DePIRIY-Cluarldall : II it it alleviate this suffering? Seicrettrry to justify this juiragrr ble time at the ptomain's tegY.te,..... ,le titime. we diseased at tot ear, Mr. Ross: t should like the l' consulted? -Wnar ,•••• ..... u State doing towards that et :essing for the pohibcul I. Mr. Nkomo, to he released fit for the constitutional conferr held at which all the politica represented? Mr. Saodys: There is a lot; to the Prime Minister on that Sir C. Osborne: Would in lion. Friend agree that this V. 'problem would be solved mo we stoppetj niggling so melt al' .thi• "OP Ater is it reason ent cep it. Emergency Reg:dada's§ klloggingl 25. Ste. NI. Foot asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and the Colonies if he will make a state. mend on the recent orders issued by the Governor of British Guiana about penal- ties to be imposed on those convicted of possessing illegal arms and ammunition. 27. Mr. Wade asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and the Colonies what instructions lie has to the Governor of British Guiana • «...iiaaluction of tloggigg bon. Mem hef ,L '■ shall be outs we want to make pin' t,• Machinery as efficient as possible. Me, Kershaw is no right hon. i aware that it was .lie tespnnnihiIity the Minister of Ilealth which cause,' right hon. Gentleman the loader • Opposition to resign from Ms.." trent back in the Socialist can Mr. Hector Hughes : flocs Minister not realise the conic - for years has existed in Ministries mentioned in Ili' Does lie not realise that t'•'' has been a grave danger ! A be from the time of the poi to Will he give serious con,' receive as coordination asked for. .,ern given to The Prime Minhor'.,aid have had to bur I do not think -.dons in this House. Haws it is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when Lord Attlee was Prime Minister he did not hose a quarter of un hour allocated to him for n,Can he further aware that Mr. Wade: Doei think that the use of a'tly way help to resolve the conflict? Does It not play into the hands of these who are trying to blame Britain and who am suggesting that Britain is adopting retie. tionary measures? Surely. the Moline. lion of flogging is about the worst thing to do, Mr. Sandys: The kind of murder and violence that is going on there is very reactionary. '1 believe that whatever measures are necessary to save lite, to prevent murder and to bring to an end this reign of fear and terror are justified. As I have said, these penalties are already included in the criminal code or. Question pat owd Der ,t! to. Suhvequent Lard, Airrentbnenif agreof to. DEC 4 1964 ..ontitt; bees ranch causes] food Edinburgh? Is he av, Minister of Agriculture. Food was unable to prey( of corned beef from 1111 wh ich used tint:11 lorina tea uninspected and unlicenset Minister of Health, lath to withdraw' the corned culution, did not know been distributed, where than there were three • h.:■nd ini•olted in • rs,P I in the' ALAN WATKINS: Anatomy of a Government DESMOND DONNELLY: The Lib-Lab Affair WALTER LAQUEUR: The Anarchists