Minister Or Medals
SIR,—'Mr. Wilson may also be able to announce a Minister responsible for sport, arts and the youth service.'—The Times, October 20. I know the poor fellow's been fairly hard......
Belfast Riots Sir,—may I Be Permitted To Add A Few
comments on Mr. Robinson's letter concerning the Belfast riots. First, that the police acted with a dubious ex- pediency, prompted by an ecclesiastical Goldwater, when they......
Secret Ballot Sir,—your Correspondents Who Are Puzzled By...
voters are identified and ballot papers are marked in polling stations will find the relevant legal pro- visions in the 'Parliamentary Elections Rules,' which are contained in......
The Freudian Schism Sir,—why Should There Be Any...
the medical qualifications of the psychoanalysts Melanie Klein and Dr. Segal? If one is to treat prob- lems of psychological origin, a knowledge of basic physiology is useful......
Body And Mind
SIR,—Hundreds of bishops, thousands of parsons and numerous earnest laymen like me will thank you for Professor Anthony Flew's review of Body and Mind, a book we must obviously......
Respect For Wine
SIR,—Who wants 'plonk' served like château- bottled claret? Not I. I just object to château- bottled claret being served like plonk. So I. agree with Mr. Ames, who has so kindly......