30 OCTOBER 1964, page 15

Sta,—mr. Desmond Donnelly, In His Article 'a Search For A

New Party'?' in the Spectator, sup- ported in the Birmingham Planet by his colleague Woodrow Wyatt, re-ignites the old controversy about a permanent Lib-Lab pact. Mr. Donnelly......

Sit,—the Whole Horror Of The Minor Literary Racket Oozes Out

of Mr. Edward Lucie-Smith's rude evading of the serious statement made by Mr. Douglas Hill. if poets are no longer allowed to use language figuratively, many ideas will be con-......

Mistaken Identity

SIR,—Perhaps it is churlish, after so long an interval and all the pleasure he has given us. to remind Mr. Alan Brien that it was Polonius, not Hamlet, who was accounted a good......

Sir,-1 Suggest Thkt One Important Factor Which Mr....

English Electric Leo-Marconi com- puter has failed to cater for. is the considerable in- crease in Liberal votes coming from people, like myself, who voted for the first time in......

Sir,—i Read With Interest Frank Byers's Article...

Byers criticises our poll because forty (in fact the real number was thirty-seven) of the constituencies in our sample of one hundred contained no Liberal candidate. As our......

The Movement And The Group

S112,—M r. Hill is right, of course. Poetry is an in- dividual not a group activity. The fact that certain poets with strong individual voices attend the meet- ings of a......

Respect For Wine

SIR,—Who wants 'plonk' served like château- bottled claret? Not I. I just object to château- bottled claret being served like plonk. So I. agree with Mr. Ames, who has so kindly......

Sm.-- -i Am Amused To Note That Mr. Edward Lucie-

Smith, replying to my letter about the Group, has quietly avoided any reference to Philip Hobsbaum's definition of the Group as 'a seminar in creative writing.' Yet it was the......

Towards The Great Secret

Sts,—In his notice of D. H. Lawrence's Complete Poems, Stephen Potter takes time off for a custom- ary 'reviewmanship' side-swipe at my father. Referring to the poem 'A man......

• * Sir.—in Your Leading Article Last Week You Said

that the Tory Party must show itself more clearly in sympathy with something you call 'the new middle class.' Although this expression is frequently used in left-wing Tory......