The Carlists have left the neighbourhood of Madrid, pursued by
ESPARTERO ; who, in the Madrid Gazette, claims to have de- feated the rebels near Arauzueque on the 19th instant. Noboey, however, believes that lie gained any material advantage over the Carlists ; and it is feared that the aim of the latter is to draw him to some distance from Madrid, to weary and weaken his troops, and then make a sudden march on the capital. The Carlists have shot 132 soldiers of the late British Legion, in cold blood, at Atloain. These gallant men, after defending themselves against an overpowering force fur some time o ith as- tonishing bravery, were forced to capitulate ; when they were murdered, in compliance with the infamous Durango decree. This is the very worst of the crimes committed by the cowardly, blood- thirsty brutes, in whose quarrel our countrymen have so unwisely and uselessly interfered.