Workmen Have Commenced Preparing For The New Carriage...
Hyde Park at Knightsbridge, to be called the Sussex Gate. r On Monday, a small steamer, constructed on an entirely new princi- ple, put into Broadstairs on her passage from......
In The Central Criminal Court, On Tuesday, Sentences Were...
the prisoners convicted at the Sessions just over. Nine were sentenced to be transported for life; seven for fifteen years ; two for fourteen years, (the gradation of crime must......
In The City Revising Barristers' Court, On Saturday,...
appeared to defend his claim to vote, which hud been objected to. The swaggering scene which follows is from the Chronicle of Mon- day— Colonel Jones said, he was brought there......
:be Country.
The Liberals of East Somersetshire gave their excellent Represenaa- tive, Colonel Gore Langton, a splendid entertainment at Glastonbury on Wednesday week. The tables in the......
We Are Happy To State That The Present Registration For
South Devon holds out highly flattering prospects to the Reformers. We have no doubt that the Reformers will gain nearly 400 on the total registration of the division.— lVestern......