C,br Court.
THE Queen has reviewed a body of infantry and cavalry, and inspected the coats and breeches of the new Sheriffs of London—both for the first time—this week. We have seen no......
There Have Been Rumours In Paris Of Another Change In
the Ministry, in consequence of a disagreement respecting the disso- lutiot tff the Ofeteabers ; Ittie ordinaries; ter which has not yet ap- peared, 1 11bough tiMly explettel.......
The Carlists Have Left The Neighbourhood Of Madrid,...
ESPARTERO ; who, in the Madrid Gazette, claims to have de- feated the rebels near Arauzueque on the 19th instant. Noboey, however, believes that lie gained any material......
The Queen Of Portugal Gave Birth To A Son On
the night of Sa- turday the 16th : the royal mother and infant were both an- nounced to be " doing well." No intelligence whatever has been received of the movements either of......
In The City Revising Barristers' Court, On Saturday,...
appeared to defend his claim to vote, which hud been objected to. The swaggering scene which follows is from the Chronicle of Mon- day— Colonel Jones said, he was brought there......
The First Session Of The Twenty-fifth Congress Of The United
States was opened on the 5th. instant, with a message from the new Pre- sident, MARTIN VAN BUREN. This document is, as usual, of great length; but it deals with one subject......
Etr $tictrapatiss.
Michaelmas-day was celebrated yesterday in the City with all the honours. Alderman John Cowan was unanimously elected Lord Mayor, by the Livery assembled in Common Hull. A......
Lord Gosford, As We Expected, Has Found The House Of
Assem- bly of Lower Canada unmanageable. The address in reply to his speech proved how hopeless was the attempt to shake the resolu- tion of the Canadian Represeetatives not to......