30 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 16


NATIONAL GALLERY (Room XXIV ) —Calais Pier—Turner.

[When confronted with the name Turner, the mind instinctively recalls various kinds of sunsets from lemon yellow to rose madder. Under this spell of sunlight is lost the other Turner—the Turner who equals, In design and organization of form, many of the well-known Venetians. The lady who could not see the sunset as Turner saw it would have had much greater difficulty in seeing Calais Pier as he saw It; for, whereas the former is merely the transmutation of a visual image bito terms of pigment, the latter shows the true artist hurling forms Into relationship and counter-relationship, preserving the unity of the whole. This picture has the same quality in forms that the Chinese drawings have in line. The happy contrast of straight lines at different angles as seen in the masts and rigging of the boats forms a fine relief to the rounded massing of the waves.]