We Are Glad To Be Able To Say That The
French representative at Constantinople has joined Sir Charles Harington in impressing upon Kemal the consequences which would certainly follow if he were to attack the British......
To The Representatives Of Labour It Is An Inestimable...
ence to be at the very heart of things, and they were willing to pay the price. Mr. Lloyd George promised them secrets. How could they possibly resist ? Secrets were not......
The Papers Of Monday Announced That Lord Curzon's Conver....
in Paris had been successful, and that the Allies had agreed upon the terms to offer to Kemal. The joint Note invites the Angora Government to attend a Conference at Venice, or......
News Of The Week.
A FRESH revolution has taken place hi Greece, and this has added yet another complication to the muddle in the Near East. King Constantine has abdicated for the second time. The......
The Revolution Broke Out In Chios And Mitylene, Where There
were great aggregations of broken soldiers and refugees. On Tuesday aeroplanes flew over Athens, dropping revolutionary pamphlets signed on behalf of the Army and Navy. A......
On Thursday, September 21st, Mr. Lloyd George Received A...
from the Labour Party and spoke to them on the Near Eastern policy of the Government. To the general surprise it was afterwards announced that the interview had been secret. it......
But Perhaps, After All, The Secrets Told To The Labour
leaders were not so very secret. Last Saturday Mr. Lloyd George defended the policy of the Government before an assembly of journalists. Afterwards one of the Labour leaders......
Meanwhile, There Are Flatly Contradictory Reports About...
Kemal. Various bodies of Kemalist troops have entered the neutral zone at Chanak, but it is not yet clear whether their entry is meant as a defiance to the Allies, or whether......