Anne Against The World.*
A VERY entertaining story of the post-War world. The principal character, who was a V.A.D. in the War, befriends a young officer, who really belongs to a different social......
A NOVEL BY MR. MAURICE BARING4 Ia we admit at the outset that, in our opinion, Mr. Baring's novel does not quite come off, we must hasten to add that it has afforded us an......
War And Armament Loans Of Japan. By Ushisaburo Kobayashi,...
(Oxford University Press.)—This is one of a series of Japanese monographs edited by Baron Y. Sakatani under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Dr.......
We Have Read With Interest The Report From The Select
Committee on Training and Employment of Disabled Er-Service Men. (H.M. Stationery Office. 12s. 6d. net.)—The minutes of evidence which occupy the greater part of the volume......
Other Nover.s.—secret Cards. By J. J. Bell. (hodder And...
75. 6d. net.)--It will not be alone admirers of Wee Macgreegor who will appreciate Mr. Bell's most recently pub- lished book. Secret Cards, the story of the nefarious doings of......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent revitte.1 The Spirit of Islam. By the Right Hon. Syed Ameer Ali. New Edition. (London : Christophers. 30s.......