31 AUGUST 1839, Page 2

Accounts from Bombay to the 4th of July, and from

Calcutta to the 18th of June, have been received this week through the agency or Mr. WAenonx. The intelligence from the army in Affghanistan reaches to the end of' May ; when all was going as well. Sir J1/11N KHANS iotended to march against Cahill about the l5th of June, aud anticipated an easy victory over Doer Mo. ussisum ; who was reported to have fled to Bukhara. It appears that the Afighans could not be brought to stand against the British troops, and that the losses of' the invading army arose solely from fatigue and want of' provisions. At Herat, Lieutenant Pomo; had completely established the British supremacy ; and Major Tonn was about to depart from Candahar for that city, 'with body of' engineers, guns, and military stores, for the purpose of putting it in a state of defence against any future attack from Perak RUNJEST &Mill was still alive, but his death WflS hourly expected. The British force at Lahore had been increased, and every pit caution taken to prevent insurrection and disturbance on Reis JEST'S demise.

Singapore papers, of the 28tl of May mention that the Siamese authorities, in imitation of the Chinese, had seized a, quantity, opium belonging to British subjects. Several Bombay ships salt opium were lying off Singapore, waiting the termination of the OE at Canton; where, however, matters remained la statu quo. About one half of the opium had been delivered up, and the whole wives, ' pected to be in the hands of the Chinese authorities by the midst April. Meanwhile, all business was stopped, and the foreigners were kept in confinement. It was said that the Governor-6(101 obey the order, and that a reference was made to Sir Famous

immediately to of India had ordered her Majesty's ship Conway

proceed to Canton, but that the Admiral on the station refused to MAITLAND at Ceylon for his decision. This aflitir requires es. planation.