• The English Opera-110 Use,
OS rather any Opera-house but an English one. Under a former tly- va sty it was a place for the receptacle of German operas, sometimes good and sometimes bad: the present......
FINE ARTS, A Treatise on Woral.Engraring, Historical and Practical. With upwards of three huudred illustrations, engraved cu Wood, by 7oltu Jacits• u Knight and Co.. Ficriox,......
The 'worces'per. Festival.
Tim autumnal music meetings this year are but two; and of these Worcester is first in point of time. We have often had occasion to' remark that this is one of the best- maneged......
Iiistory Of Wood-engraving. •
THE practice of illustrating books with wood-cuts is becoming so universal, that tun account of the history and process of this popular style of embellishment was a desideratum......
The Marquis Of Lansdowne's Jobs.
IT was announced last week, that on Sunday the 18th the Marquis of LANSDOWNE had taken his departure froin Dover for Ostend. The Lord President of the Council left much......