The Duke Of Wellington Left Apsley House. Fir Waline:. I
'astle, on Tuesday. Ills G nos: gave a " sumptuous banquet" on Tleirsday even- ing . , to a party, including Lord Brougham, Lord Lyndhurst, Lord llosslvn, Viscount Ca nterlotry,......
Lord Ebrington Has Declined The Timiour Iutended Him By The
Corpo- ration, of dining with them on the. inauguration of their &Deers in September.-1)0A/ Pilot. The Bonouralile Captain Hay, brother to Lord Errol, has been ap- pointed......
Mr. Feargits I Yl'onnor Addre.-s,-,1 A Iminero ,...
31:m• , :alen Yard Cream, Dundee. on Tite,alay 20111. The 1"../d . iiiiirie estimates ft.. of i.m.sons pi esent at about 0s,i ; Mr. O'Connor said 150'0m. illdn tbe last few ala■......
Mr. O'Connell, who left London on Monday, addressed a meeting of Ins constituents at the Corn Exchange, Dublin, at noon 00 Wednesdaft geulogized Lord Normanby, and his successor......
Tuesday's Gazette Annonneed That Mr. Spring Bice Had Been...
Baron 3lonteagle, of Brandon, in the county Of N/i00 ;nioul that Mr. I'rancis 'Thornhill Baring hail been appointed ClEmeellor of the Ex- chequer. Last night's I ;:izette......
The .1tiniiii ; / Chrnni,fli , Says: That The (: , .,leen...
r?evi red on her road from Bueliinglinin Palace to NVestininster tat Ttic , i1:1■', and that one 1 , t7tSt.11 Who hitiSe11. WaS immediately hat 'eke I :low:: by a byst.. imler.......
The noble lords and ladies who were to take part in or to view the tournament at Eglintoun Castle, were continually arriving towards the end of last and beginning of the present......