31 AUGUST 1839, Page 7


The noble lords and ladies who were to take part in or to view the tournament at Eglintoun Castle, were continually arriving towards the end of last and beginning of the present week. Ilere follows the list of Knights and Esquires ; the 3Iarquis of Londonderry being " King of the Tournament," and Lady Seymour " Queen of Love and Beauty." imunTs. Esotinus. Earl of Eglintuun Lord A. Seymour, Mr. Grant, Mr. G. Dandas.

Marquis of Waterfall • Sir C. Kent, Mr. F. Cavendis..11, Mr. L. Menlo. ' Pages—Lord John Here-dotal, Mr. M. II late.

Earl Craven Hun. F. Craven, Hon. J. Macdonald. Earl of Cassilis Viscount Alford Hon, Mr. Cust, Mr. T. 0, Cascoiple. Viscount Glenlyou Sir David Dondas, 311'. .1. Baltinir: Hon. Capt. Gage Mr. A. Murray, Mr. Ii Ferguson. Hon. Mr. Jerninghtun Ca It. Stevenson, Mr. C. Campbell. Captain Faidie (Capt. Purees, Mr. 11. V, ikon, eapt Pettat, Mr. t Cox. Sir Fred, Jonstone Viscount Drundanrig, Ilon. A Villiers. Sir Francis Hopkins Captain Beresford Viscount Maidstone, Mr. Lumley. Mr. Charles Land) Mr. It. Cranford, Mr. al. Gordon. Mr. C. Boothby Mr. Leehemere Mr. Corry, Mr. .1. Horlock, *Mr. J. Fine.

The Duke of Beaufort, Sir Fredercek II. Bathurst. Lord Cranstuun, Mr. Campbell, and the Honourable Captain 310inard has e declined.

Among the company are mentioned the Duke and nutchess of Montrose, Lord and Lady Belhaven, Sir Francis 1 lead, Sir George 1 lead, Mr. Cecil Forester, Prince Louis Napoleon, and Sir James Graham,

The Glasgow Argns gives an account of the tilting, which commenced on Wednesday. Unhappily, the weather was very untlivourable, and the crowd of spectators very much out of spirits-

" The banners were drenched, and had a soiled and Bagging appearance,

while the plumes of the Knights liana in 'fueled glory ' over the helmets of their wearers. The very horses had a demure aspect—the spectators were dreadfully cowed; and though the procession was, notwithstanding all this, the best part of the exhibition, saving always the gram' stand, its reception along the line, and in the lists, was inexpressibly cold. The cheering was feeble ; and the presence of ',oral Eglintonn, a: he rode along, seemed the only circumstance that conld call forth any thiiT like a It etrty Ilarrall from the on- lookers. His Lordship, who sustained tlo•eliaracter of I.ord of t he Tournament-, wore a splendid suit of armour, which was, in a manner, covcred with gold, anti richly elta:cd. His horse. though not a powerful animal, was a very spirited one, and richly caparisoned in cloth uif loc and tttl. The noble Earl seemeti to take great delight in caracoling round the lists ; and was, as we have already 'bled. received everywhere with cheers. The King a the Tuurimment, T.oral Londonderry, wit I Ii • nocd uneourtly-lool:ing kIhi.rIlt in the field. llis Lord diip certainly ‘1,ic not appear to much ail Vallt:Ig*.l. 011 horseback, Avhaterew may be the value or his Senatorial linalitio, in the !loose or Lords. I-le leaned forwiml towards the inane it his horse, very it in the po-dlire of a person who Inal never been on Itor-,,thaek before. ana who was afraid lest, at every

movement or the lie should be thrown in the mud, lie spmted a robe+ of black velvet, over a lower dress of ermine, and Wore his itortmet set with variegated plumes; but his appearance altogether was exceAingly homely."

.graint stand was filled with ladies splemlidly attired in the cos- tumes of the fourteenth and tifteenith centuries. The loveliness of Lady Seymour, Queen of l3eauty, was of course declared to be sur- passing.— " .1i this grghtl centre of attraction. the kni:dits, on entering the lists, basiened to pay their devoirs, and then repaired each to the tent erected for his reception.

The tiltinr_r was then commenced; and, in all conscience, a sorry enough affair it was. Two knights ran ton-arils emdi other al a very modertte pace indeed, and at temoteil to poke 1,1111 other with their poles, misname,' lances, iii a manner Si al terly !lamb,- Hill a child ne.d. sc,,re.•ly lIne dreadcd the en- coupler. TM. pot,. Apr, 00,1 to ie of ile• fror,iYi W0'1■1 that 1:011111

it got, at,' thytow o at on seiv stroke. Not a single knight was onlim.s.d. or even mad,: to reel in ids ..:addi:.; aad the soft sail--

dust might very welt haNt! With."

Par1.0.011ats Of thl! j011,1'" :WO thell lint are not worth extracting,. Lord 1Vaterford brolon most lam I'es. aml was declared the victor— lint. Ilenuty eminmeteled hint as it good and courageous knight, an.1 1101%.. the tilting ended for the day ; the popular opinion. so far as we could gather it, being that ,t greater piece of humbug it as never before practised iii the 011,11 air of Sem land.

Long before the tilting was concluded, the iminense assemblage had begun to di:perry. It rained heavily the wit-le time, :nod the e:dliblii1)11 W,15 1101

SteS Intl ii! stioirie.ot imerest to induce them to see it ,,at. Even the stands which Ilm.ked he L-rnil stand were nea, ly eltonied, ilto.m.a it the twenpants Lit 1 hl• intit r had oh,, 1.11,i; leave. ;he grotiml, as she had emelt, d it, in it ,I on. Q.esai NV., a sigmil for the km2.111s. Ne. 1,, do and lIce ho-tn lot 1it I. lb: it,t confased way