Lord Ebrington has declined the timiour iutended him by the
Corpo- ration, of dining with them on the. inauguration of their &Deers in September.-1)0A/ Pilot. The Bonouralile Captain Hay, brother to Lord Errol, has been ap- pointed Sub-hispeetor of Police in the county of Kilkenny, in the roomi of Captain Aeklom, transferred to another (00111113%
Two thousand five hundred mendicants were paraded through the streets of Dublin on Wednesd;iy, by the Committee of the, 3fendieity, to excite public compassion au ti procure rebel to thei . exhausted fonds. On Sunday evening:, an eminent manutlietmer of parchment in Dub- lin, Mr. Vsn.selloy le, was returning from his country-seat, with his wife and his brother-in-law and wife, along the banks of the Grand Canal, within al,(■nit emir Miles from town, a de an el' Seven o'clock in the evening, When siv ruffians, armed with crowbar:: and !nye bludgeons, rushed upon tarn. The first ohj,,et was to catch hold of the horse's head, which ono of them did, while the others fell upon Mr. Versehoyle, heedless of the piteous screams of the terrified ladies. They cut his head in a most frighttbl manner, so that it is not ascer- tained yet whether the skull is fractured or not. The calves or his legs were nearly severed from the hones by deep-seated wounds. Mr. Verschoyle leaped into the canal. to save himself from the tbry of' his assailants ; where he must have been drowned were it not for the arrival of one or two taco who came up, attracted by the females' cries ; but, nothing daunted at their presence, the villains coninillleed a vio- lent attack upon them. At this moment, providentially, the packet By- boat appeared rising in the lock through which it was passing. The deck was crowded with persons ; at seeing whom, the murderers Bed. Mr. Verschoyle was taken out of the canal half dead. Ills brother-in- law seized and held firmly the fellow who first caught the horse's head; the other escaped.—Irish Paper.