The Carlist rebellion in Spain appears to be drawing to
a elos General O'DoxxEl.r. has gained important successes over Cabs;, in Valencia. his last exploit was the capture of the Fort of Tais after a battle with the Carlists which was kept up for sixteenlisa.; He demolished the fortifications, and then returned to Valenti' Durango, Buttons for the " bloody decree," has been evacuated hi the Cellists; who have entirely withdrawn front Biscay. Thereaa rumours of the complete defeat Of MAROTO by Esesursao, and that Don CARLOS himself has been taken prisoner. The chief grounds, however, for the expectation of a speedy close of the rebellion the disorganization of the Pretender's army, the mutiny of a pu. tion of his troops, the determination of the French Governess
to coiiperate in earn i
earnest with England n the execution of am Quadruple Treaty, and recent conferences of Lord JOIIN MYRA Msnoro; of which the intent is well understood to be the sits drawal of Don CAtisos from Spain, on certain conditions.
We give the above as the representation of the actual states( affairs ; cautioning the reader, however, that several thou in the course of the civil war, the Carlist cause has appeared almost des perate, yet has revived through the treachery or incapacity of the Queen of Spain's Generals, or itt consequence of unexpected supply of money and the materiel of war front the Northern poles totes.