The great toast of the tiny—the Duke of Wellington's health—was
confided to Lord Brougham; 'who was greeted with "tumultuous cheer- ing," and commenced his speech as follows-
" I rise to perform the duty which has been cast upon, and, to enjoy the honour which I feel my fellow-citizens have bestowed upon me ; and although I am well aware that upon such an occasion as that of this day's solemnity no man has a right to entertain any personal feelings on his own behalf; hut that all private respect and individual considerations are necessarily absorbed in the celebration of this great day in honour of this great man, yet I feel that, called
upon as I have been, and standing here to perform this grateful and honourable duty, it would be affectation—it would be ingratitude—it would be insolent
ingratitude—if I were not to express the feelings which glow within my bosom at king made the humble instrument of expressing those feelings which reign predominant in yours. This it is which hears me up against all the difficulties of the position in which your choice has placed me."
Enough of himself; now for his "mighty subject "— • " But the choice you have made of your instrument—of your organ, as it were, upon this occasion—is not unconnected with that subject ; for it shows
that on this day, on this occasion, all personal, all political feelings are
quelled—all strife of party is hushed—that we are incapable, whatever he our opinions, of refusing to acknowledg,e transcendent merit, and of denying that we feel the irresistible impulse of unbounded gratitude : and I am therelbre
asked to do this service, as if to show that no difference of opinion upon sub- jects, however important—no long course of opposition, however contracted
upon public principles—not even long inveterate habits of public opposition—
are able so far to stifle the natural feelings of our heart, so for to obscure our reason, as to prevent us from feeling as we ought—boundless gratitude for boundless merit. Neither can it pluck from our minds that admiration pro-
portioned to the transcendent genius in peace and in war of him who is amongst us to-day; nor can it lighten or alleviate the painful, the
deep sense which the unfired mind never can rid of when it is over- whelmed by a debt of gratitude too boundless to be repaid. Party— the spirit of party—may do much, but it cannot operate oci far as to make us forget those services; it cannot so far bewilder the memory,
and pervert the judgment, and quench and stifle the warmth of the natural affections, and eradicate from our bosoms those feelings which do us most honour and are the most unavoidable, and as it were dry up the kindly juices
ef the heart ; and, notwithstanding all its vile and malignant influence on Other occasions, it cannot dry up those juices of the heart so as to parch it like
very charcoal, and make it almost as black. But what else have I to do? If I had all the eloquence of all the tongues ever attuned to speak, what else can I do? How could a thousand words, or all the names that could be named,
Speak so powerfully—ay, even if I spoke with the tongue of an angel, as if I
were to mention one word—Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of' Wellington—the hero of a hundred fields, in all of which his banner has waved in triumph ; who never—I invoke both hemispheres to witness—bear witness Europe, hear wit- ness Asia—wko never advanced but to cover his arms with glory; the captain who never advanced but to be victorious, themightier captain who never re- treated but to eclipse the glory of his advance. By the yet harder task of un- wearied patience, indomitable to lassitude, the inexhaustible resources of tran- scendent skill, showing the wonders, the marvels of a moral courage never yet subdued. Despising all that thwarted him with ill-considered advice—neglect- ing all hostility, so he knew it to be groundless—lnughing to scorn reviling enemies, jealous competitors, lukewarm friends—ay, hardest of all, to neglect despising even a fickle public ; and casting his eye forward as a man might— else he deserves not to command men—casting Ins eye forward to a time when that momentary fickleness of the people would pass away—knowing that in the end the people are always just to merit." To whom should he compare this great warrior, this great states- man—who had surpassed Marlborough in the field, and Sir William Temple in negotiation—who stood in an equal place as a statesman with the illustrious head of his house, the greatest statesman of the age which he adorned? Lord Brougham proceeded to compare the Duke with Julius Ctesar,—declaring hint superior in every respect to the Roman, except in " the worthless accomplishment of practised oratory;" and with Napoleon,—whose inferiority was proved by his overthrow by Wellington! But, he continued- " It is a truth—a more striking truth, and one more useful for all public purposes, to contemplate that there is another and a vaster difference that separates these chiefs of ancient days and other countries, by an impassable gulf, from us. They were conquerors influencetl with the thirst of ambition ; they spilled rivers of blond to attain their guilty ends ; they were tyrants, and- notiling could satiate their ambition at home but the slavery of their fellow- creatures, as nothing could content them abroad but the pursuit of conquest and the destruction of their kind. Our chief has never drawn his sword but in:a defensive war ; which alone of all warfare, is not a great crime. Be has never drawn his sword against the liberty of any people ; but he has constantly unsheathed it, and blessed be God, has trinmphantly unsheathed it, to secure the liberty of all, the servant of his prince to command his troops, but the soldier and defender of his country ; the enemy of her enemies, be they foreign or be they domestic; the fast friend of the rights of his fellow citizens, and the chatnpion of their lawful constitution. The tempest which crewhile resounded all over the world, is now, thanks to him, hushed; the shock which made all the thrones in Europe to quake, and the limns of the altar themselves to treinble, has now, thanks to him, expended its force. 'We may, thanks to him, expect to pass the residue of our days without that turmoil of war in which our youth was spent : but if ever the materials of some fell explosion should once more be collected in any quarter of the world—if the hushed tempest should ever again break loose from its cave—if the shock which is not felt now should once more make our institutions to quiver—happy this nation, to know to what wise counsels to look ; happy the Sovereign, who has at her command the right arm that Las carried in triumph the English thunder all, over the globe ; happy the people, who may yet agein confide—not their liber- ties, for that is a trust which he would spurn from him with indignation—but who could confide in his matchless valour for their safety against all the perils which Providence may yet have in store for them."
Lord Brougham, who laboured under the effects of a cold, spoke more leisurely than usunl : every sentence was interrupted by the loudest cheering ; and he took care to be " up" to the feelings of the vast assembly. After the learned orator's high-flown panegyric and sesqui- pedalia yerba, the Duke's reply seems, even for him, curt and dry- " Mr. Chairmen, my Lords and Gentlemen-1 beg leave to return my thanks for the honour you have done me in drinking my -health. I have likewise to return my thanks to the noble and learned lord, who I imp will allow me to call him my noble and learned friend—( Very great eheering)—for the manner in which, and the terms which he has used in recommending, to you the ser- vices in which I have been employed by the Government of this country. I have also to express my grateful acknowledgmente to you for having invited me to be your guest at this magnificent festival. My noble and learned friend has stated to you, with great truth, that there are times and circumstances in which, and under which, all feelings of party, all party animosity, all descrip- tions of political feelings must be laid aside. I must do my noble and learned friend the justice to say, that for years and years there has been nothing of that description in social life as between him rind one, notwithstanding that it is certainly true that I have had the misfortune of differing in opinion with my noble and learned friend upon many points of internal and possibly of other descriptions of policy. But I am afraid that, notwithstanding the cordiality in whirls I have always lived with you, and notwithstanding my most anxious wish to cooperate with all of you in the public service in which we have allbeen em- ployed, I may happen (I know it does happen) to differ wit hi Some ofyon upon sub- jects apolitical interest to the country. But my noble and learned friend judges of you correctly when he states that such feelings of difference would not prevent you—as they have not prevented you—from doing mettle honour of uniting me to this ti:stival, and of bringing here to meet me, not only the whole of this in- teresting county, but persons from all parts of the kingdom, and even from abroad. Therefore my noble and learned friend does you as well as himself justice when he states that there are occasions—occasions in relation to indi- viduals as well as in relation to public interest and services—its which all feel- ings of party. polities and opinions nmst be laid aside, in order to carry on tho public service to the greatest point of advantage to the public interest. 'I have had sufficient experience in public life to know that this must be the Casb. I ant convinced that it is that feeling which has induced you to pay this tribute of respect to the person holding the situation of Lord Warden of the Clime° Ports' in order that you might encourage others hereafter to perform their duty honestly and conscientiously in the same honourable office. It is true, and 1 am perfectly aware of it, that the office which I have now the honour to fill is not so efficient as it was in former times, under circumstances connected with the =ratline power and resources of the country; and I aims likewise aware that the duties of that office do not necessarily bring the person who has to perform them so frequently into relation with .the towns submitted to his jurisdiction, as was the case in former times. But I am frequently in communication with all parts of thus district; and any thing which has relation to its local interest I am at all times ready to attend to. 'Iso every point in which any one may think that I can render him any service, I shall be most happy to attend ; and I trust that every man who now hears me is convinced that that is the truth ; and that no one will scruple, at any time when he conceives that I can render any service to any part of the Cinque Ports, to call upon me fin. assistance. I log on this, as upon other points, that all consideration of party—all eon,idsrations of political opinions may be laid aside ; fight all matters of public duty of this description, holding as I do this office under the Crown, I consider it my ditty to do every thing in my power for the service of the public, and of each individual part of the country sunder my jurisdiction. I once more, my Lords and Gentlemen, re- turn thanks for the honour you have done me".
More speeches were delivered ; and among them one by Sir Francis Burdett, which gave much offence by allusions to party politics.