OFFICE or Oarnearrcx. August 26.— Corps of Royal Engineers—First Lieut. C. F. Skyriug to be Sec. Capt. vice Coddington, seconded ; Sec. Lieut. J. W. Lovell to be First Lieut, vice Skyring. WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 30.-11th Foot—Capt. L. C. Conran, from the 56th F. ot. to be Capt. vice Cox. who exchanges. 92d Foot— Capt. C. B. Grey, from half-pay 9th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice W. Beales, who exchanges ; Lieut. A. W. Macdonald to be Capt. vice Grey, nho retires ; Ensign the Hon. G. 11. E. Grant to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Macdonald ; C. C. Graham, Gent. tube Ensign, by purchase, vice Grant. 45th Foot— Lieut. H. T. Vialls to be Capt. by purchase, vice Althorns, who retires; Ensign J. M*Crea to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Vitals; W. L. Woodford, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice M'Cr. a. 56th Foot— Capt. S. S Cox. from the 11th Foot. to be Capt. vice Conran, who exchanges. 77th Fuot—Eusign G. H. S. Willis to be Lieut. by purchase. 'ice Hooke. who relives; St. Leger Gordon, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Willis-88th Foot—Ensign J. G. Crosse to be Lieut. by purchase, VICO Lanka, who retires ; B. B. Mauleveter, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Crave. 89th Foot—Lieut. G. L. D. Andel, from the 5511, Foot, to he Lieut. vice New- bury. appointed Paymaster of the Rifle Brigade. 97111 Foot—Ensign S. K. Has tins to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Corrance, who retires ; C. II. Lumley, Gent. to be En- sign, by purchase vice Hawkins.
al West India Regt.—C. J. G. Williams, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vies Whelan, deceased.
Brevet—Capt. C. B. Grey, of the 42d Foot, to be Major in the Army.