The Portuguese Appear To Submit Very Placidly To The Decrees
of' Senhor COSTA CABRAL, their "Dictator" as he is now nicknamed ; but the English writers stationed in the kingdom by the London newspapers assume a vicarious indignation, and......
As Many Suspected, Mehemet Am Has Not Abdicated, After All
; and he was on his way. back to Alexandria when we last hear of his movements. Whether it was an act of senile madness or a pre- tence; whether he was bewildered in brain with......
The Irish Repealers Do Not Make A Show Of Getting
on very pros- perously at present. The " rent " indeed is high, though it has been higher ; but they are beset with some misgiVings, and are threatened with certain inopportune......
The Anti-corn-law League Promised Active Attention To The...
; and signs of their activity appear just now, in complaints from the Conservatives, that wholesale objections have been served upon persons of their side. These statements are......
News Of The Week.
THE fighting fuss is kept up, and is supplied with fresh fuel by the Prince DE Jonsvir.LE's bombardment of Mogador, Marshal Be- GEMID'S victory over the Morocco army, and the......