31 AUGUST 1844, page 10

The Times Confirms The Report That The Queen, As Soon

as her Ma- jesty has acquired sufficient strength for the fatigue, will set out for a tour in Scotland. There is a rumour current this morning that her Majesty will pro- rogue......


SATUBDICY Mora'. The Paris papers of Thursday publish 011ie later and fuller despatches from the Prince De Joinville and Marsh I Btteaud ; hich, altimbgh The Paris papers of......

Addresses To The Livery Of London Appear Today From...

for the office of City Chamberlain—Alderman Anthony Brown, Alderman Sir John Key, and Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey. Sir John Pine a nnounces that it is not his intention to solicit......

The Shropshire Conservative Reports A Meeting At Which...

met his constituents of Shrewsbury, on Monday, to report his conduct in Parliament during the past session. He described his own independ- ence as an occasional opponent of......

Last Night's Gazette Contains The Order For A Court Mourning

for the Grand Dutchess Alexandra Nicolaiewna of Russia ; to begin on Sunday next the 1st September,: to change on Thursday the 4th, and to termi- nate on Monday the 9th. The......

The City Of San Carlos, The Principal Town In The

island of Chiloe, the most Southern province of the Chilian Republic, has been the scene of a dreadful conflagration, which broke out in its very centre, and before it could be......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Government Securities improved slightly on Monday ; but another com- plexion was given to the market by the arrival of the intelligence......