THE preparations for an invasion of Abyssinia have begim in earnest. Sir Robert Napier, the Commander-in-Chief in Bom- bay, has been selected for the command, with Sir Charles Staveky as second, and the "expeditionary force" will include two Queen's regiments, eight regiments of Punjabee infantry, six regiments of cavalry, two kinds of mountain guns, two batteries of Royal Artillery, and at least twenty thousand followers of sorts. An extra medical staff will be organized of picked men, the commis- sariat is to be, entrusted to the Indian Department, which has never failed yet, and immense purchases of mules and camels have been already sanctioned. Transports are being taken up in London at very heavy rates, 1,2001. a month for each 1,000- ton ship, and all appearances indicate an expedition of some historical moment. Everybody who has ever been in Africa is writing to abuse the blacks and the country, and Englishmen in general are quite delighted with the little break in the political monotony. If Theodore surrenders the prisoners now, he will disappoint everybody except the Chancellor of the Exchequer.