The Result Of The Oxford Local Examinations Of This Year
has been singularly satisfactory. The " centres " have now been increased from eleven to twenty, and the number of candidates from 896 to 1,365, while the improvement in the......
We Regret To Record The Death On Sunday Last Of
Professor Faraday, one of the greatest of English chemists and electricians, a worthy pupil of Sir Humphrey Davy. He was the son of a smith, and in early life was apprenticed to......
The Liberal Journals In America Assert That The...
in the West intend to make repudiation the " first plank in their platform." In less exaggerated language, they intend to propose that every portion of the American debt should......
Lord Granville Made A Noteworthy Speech At Manchester On...
education. He was distributing the Oxford local exami- nation certificates, and took occasion to show the difference between the tone of Oxford and Manchester. Mediaeval Oxford......
A Correspondent Of The Times Draws A Horrible Picture Of
the labourer's lot in Queensland. A labouring man never gets more that 20s. a week and free lodging, and sometimes only the 20s., mutton is 2d. a pound, maize is 2s. a bushel,......
We Publish Elsewhere The Most Detailed Account, Trae Or...
which has yet reached England of the proceedings of "Jacob the Zonave," who cures, or professes to cure, diseases by the will. We may, however, notice here that Marshal Forey......
Terrorism, It Seems, Is Not Yet Extinct In Sheffield. The
chairman of the Filemakers' Association there has received a letter threatening him almost in plain terms with . murder if he does not prevent his associates from taking too......
The Commission On Ritualism Has Presented Its First...
is devoted to the question of vestments alone. It will be remembered that the Commission is full of High Churchmen, so full that the Record considered the selection treacherous,......
We Are Happy To Perceive That The London General Omnibus
Company have for this half-year earned no profit. They are, unfortunately, rich enough to declare a dividend out of their reserves, but still they have not earned a profit. If......
We Publish A Letter From Victoria Which We Recommend To
the attention of our readers. The writer is a very genuine Liberal and very free from prejudice, but the account he gives of the local legislature is certainly disheartening. In......
Mr. John Orwell Phillips, Secretary To The Chartered Gas...
pany, and advocate-general for gas-makers, denies that the stokers are oppressed men. He says the men get 34s. 6d. a week—which nobody ever denied ; that though the nominal......