Two Very Important Railways Have Been Opened This Week. One,
over Mont Cenis, on a plan devised by Mr. Fell, an American, completes the railway communication between France and Italy. The journey from Paris to Turin can now be made in......
- One Of The Most Frightful, If Not The Most
frightful, murder of our time was committed at Alton, in Hampshire, on Saturday. If the statements as yet published are correct, it would appear that a man named Baker, a......
The Great Difficulty Of The Expedition Will Probably Be...
Dr. Beke says there is none, and even if that is an exaggeration, mountain water in the tropics is always bad. If the Government will send out a few thousand gallons of some......
The Week Has Been Full Of The Most Contradictory Rumours
from Spain. The Government of Madrid continually affirms that the insurgents have dispersed, but it is to be noted that it now admits them to be numerous. At first, no......
A Very Important Message Was Received Through The...
Cable on Thursday. General Grant, the acting Secre- tary of State for War, refused to carry out the order for the re-. moval of General Sheridan, and Mr. Johnson was obliged as......
Au The Journals Of Europe Are Commenting Freely Upon The
Salzburg interview, with a general result which we have attempted to analyze elsewhere. But we wish to mention here that the Danish Minister at War a few days ago made a speech......
Napoleon Has Returned To Fra,nce From Salzburg, And Has Made
two speeches, one at Arras, and the other at Lille. At Arras he told the Mayor, " You are right to have confidence in the future. It is only weak Governments who seek in foreign......
News Op The Week.
T HE preparations for an invasion of Abyssinia have begim in earnest. Sir Robert Napier, the Commander-in-Chief in Bom- bay, has been selected for the command, with Sir Charles......
We Publish A Letter From Victoria Which We Recommend To
the attention of our readers. The writer is a very genuine Liberal and very free from prejudice, but the account he gives of the local legislature is certainly disheartening. In......