The Public Debt of the United States. By J. S.
Gibbons. (Low, Son,. and Marston.)—The magnitude of his subject fully impresses Mr. Gibbons, and the tables in which he indulges are marshalled in such heavy and compact order as to carry conviction. We are not always so well satisfied with the arguments which are couched in language, and which do not knock us down with rows of figures. Apparently Mr.. Gibbons' point is that it will be inexpedient for the United States to try to pay off its debt in a few years by heavy taxation, when the, debt could be extinguished with far greater ease if it was spread over longer period. This seems to us the result of a great many pages of rambling discussion, and of tables of liquidation going down to the year 1977. Bat at best the subject is not a very lively one, and Mr. Gibbons does not possess that clearness which is necessary to recommend it to, general attention.