Twenty years ago Professor Garstang was with Dr. Winckler at
Boghaz-Keui near Angora when the royal Hittite libraries were unearthed there. He wrote a little later a compact account of what was then known of the Hittites. Since then the language of this mysterious people has been read, and excavators have been busy at various sites in Asia Minor and Syria. Professor Garstang has now written a new book on The Hittite Empire (Constable, 25s.) in which he brings together the salient details of the monuments so far examined, arranged in geographical order. It will be of great value to students, because the author gives the facts and abstains from theory. The Hittites, who dominated Asia Minor from about 2000 to 850 B.C. and then disappeared, had their capital not many miles east of the new Turkish capital, but no other rulers of Asia Minor, save the Hittites and Mustapha Kemal, have utilized this central district as a headquarters. The book is fully illustrated.
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