"the Soulless Brute"
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The other day on the Avenue Louise in Brussels I witnessed an incident which raised my opinion of canine nature, already high, to a point......
On Those Hills ON those hills where no sound is, but of bells swung by the breeze,— silent bells of purple ling— nothing else does stir or sing. There all day hills green and......
Mauretania ' Versus 'bremen' [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—In view of the widespread interest in the respective performances of the ' Mauretania' and the Bremen,' may I suggest that mere speed should not be allowed to overshadow......
Jewish Slaughter • [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
from England, away from my material, prevents my answering Captain Hume fully. But I can _inform him that certainly two mattresses a week are used by each of fifteen different......
Points From Letters Sail Or Steam.
The people of Scarfskerry, on the Pentland Firth, are mostly seamen. The difference between steam and sails was under discussion the other day, and one of the debaters put the......