The Wool Dispute It Is Suggested That Arbitration Is...
the appro- priate remedy for the differences between employers and operatives in the woOl trade. Here again it might be possible to split the difference between the 9.09 per......
The Constitution Of The' Labour Psuty The Draft Of The
new Constitution for the Labour Party has been published in readineSs for the Conference of the Party at Brighton. To those Outside the Party the chief points of interest are......
We Confess We Do Not Altogether Like This Bashfulness, And
we are not surprised that within the industry itself the finding of the Board has had a very mixed - reception. Cotton is certainly a sensitive plant, but fresh air never did......
The Cotton Dispute The Award Of The Arbitration Board Under
Mr. Justice Swift was announced last week, after we had gone to press. Sharing the view that "something must be done to alleviate the present position" the Board supported the......
* * Palestine The Disturbances In Palestine Have Been Much
graver than mere riots provoked by a religious encounter between the Arabs and Jews in the Capital. We have explained in a leading article how religious feeling has grown by......
The New Working Week In Russia The Riga Correspondent Of
the Times reports the decision of the Council of People's Commissars in Russia to establish a five-day working week. This decision is part of the so-called " Pyatiletka " or......
It Is A Sad Fact That One Of The Best-known
Jewish peacemakers, Mr. Harold Weiner, a talented lawyer, who had as many Arab as Jewish friends, was among the killed. Complaints from both parties to the religious strife that......
Among All The Foreign Comment Which We Have Read On
Mr. Snowden's conduct at The Hague, we appreciate most that in the New York World. For example :- If we understand Mr. Snowden's position, it comes down to the insistence that......