The question of the American Indemnity seems for the present
to be laid on the shelf by the French Chamber of Deputies. The Ministerial Bill for payment of the money has been referred to a Committee, which is not expected to make a report for some time. It is probable that no decisive step in the matter will be taken till further accounts are received from the United States; but it seems to be expected that the Chambers will act with prudent honesty, and pay the money they owe. In the meanwhile, another question of a similar nature has sprung up. The Emperor NICHOLAS, as King of claims a large sum from the French nation, in payment arising out of the occupation of Poland by the Frene the war that was concluded by the treaty of other hand, the French advance counter claims. in the Chambers aver that all these old accounts w the grand settlement of 1814; but the Ministert separate treaty expressly reserved for future c settlement of these Polish differences; and th Chamber with the assurance that a balance W
France. NICHOLAS, however, has put down a 'large sum, to be received from France, among the Russian Ways and Means for the year.