In The Court Of King's Bench, On Monday; Mr. George
Nicholson, . the Marquis of Salisbury's agent in Hertford, and Mr. F. IV. N. Bailey, editor of a newspaper in the same town, were sentenced to pay a fine of 1001. each, and......
1jc Countrg. There Was A Very Large Meeting At Birmingham,
on Tuesday, of friends to the Established Church. The object of the meeting was to! promote the building of churches in the diocese of Coventry and _Lich- field, to extend......
A Correspondent Of The Times, Who Resided In The•house At
the corner of Duncannon Street, Strand, at which the fire occurred last week, says- " No alarm whatever was given by the Police; nor was it till after I had myself saved all the......
A Serious Riot Has Taken Place At Sheffield, Which Has
ended in-the total destruction of the Eyre Street Medical School. The facts of the case are as follow. The man and woman who had the care of the esta- blishment, it appears,......