A correspondent of the Times, who resided in the•house at
the corner of Duncannon Street, Strand, at which the fire occurred last week, says- " No alarm whatever was given by the Police; nor was it till after I had myself saved all the inmates of the house, and opened the street-door, that a Policeman was seen or heard of. I should not have thought it worth while to notice it. but that I c-nsider that, so far from any praise being due to the Police, if they had been only using due diligence, they would have seen it before its attaining the ascendancy it had ; and that I noticed very great apathy, and in one instance positive insult, on the part of the Police, and only regret that, in fright, I omitted to take his number."
On Sunday morning, between seven and eight o'clock, a hostile meeting took place on Wimbledon Common, between Mr. G., a gentle- man residing at Hampton, and a military officer. The cause of meeting arose from some expressions made use of by the former at the late Mid- dlesex election, derogatory to the gallant Captain's character. The- seconds having measured the ground, • the hostile parties took up their position, at twelve paces ; and after a discharge of pistols .without effect, the seconds interfered to produce a reconciliation, but could not succeed. A second discharge took place, when the Captain received his antagonist's ball in the left arm, a little • above the elbow. Im- mediately afterwards Mr. 'G. advanced to the wounded Captain, and they shook hands.—Herald.
Mr. Ranthen, surgeon, of Dorset Street, Manchester Square, was driving in his gig, on Thursday, accompanied by his groom, along Pic-; cadilly, near to Bolton Street ; when the horse took fright and ran the gig with such violence against a brewer's dray, that the gig was. dashed to pieces, and both Mr. Ranthen and his groom were thrown into the road. Mr. Ranthen's skull was -so severely fractured- that his life is • despaired of.
On Wednesday, Georgiana Clark was committed on the verdict of. a Coroner's Jury, for trial on a charge of murdering Henry Jenkins, with whom she cohabited, in Argyle Street, New Road. It would appear from the evidence, that they quarrelled in the night; and that she stabbed him with a knife in the side.
There have been numerous robberies in shops, dwelling-houses,•ini the streets, and more especially in the courts of justice at Westminater • during the week. In the Lord Chancellor's, and the Vice-Chancel.: lor's Court, and in the Court of Exchequer, gentlemen have been plundered of handkerchiefs, pocket-books, and cloaks.