Fine Arts.
PROUT'S VENICE, ENGRAVED BY LE KEUX. Nusreaous as are the views of Venice, we never tire of repetitions of her sea-paved streets of palaces. We welcome any representation of " —......
The Comic Annual.
THE present volume of the Budget of Fun is an improvement -upon its predecessors. Without losing its old features, the work has acquired new ones. There are the same forced......
The Revolutions Op 'the Globe.
Tits French are certainly admirable cooks. With scraps, vege- tables, salt, and water, a Frenchman will turn you out a palatable soup, which shall be agreeable in combination,......
Martin's Crucifixion.
SOME of our readers may be inclined to think that that we have dealt harshly with Mr. MARTIN'S productions, looking exclusively on his defects, and passing over what they deem......