1. In the following places, Tories have replaced Reformers, to the number of 87.
Andover Pollen, rice Fellowes.
liedfurd Polhill Whitbread.
Berkshire Posey Throckmorton.
Berwick Bradshaw Blake.
Beverley Hogg Langdale. Boston Brownrigg Handley. Brecon Morgan Watkins. Bridport Ta i.s itomilly. Bristol Mites Boillie.
Still' h. Ditsliwood.
Childers. Yelverton. Ityng.
Vernon. Buckinghamshire. ;Vont.% Praed Cambridgeshire ...R. J. Eaton Carmarthen I en in Chatham Beresford Chi ppenham Neeld Colchester smith Cricklaile. Neel l Denbighshire Bagot Denbigh Jones Derbyshire, South Griesley, Crewe Devonshire, S Buller Batted; Droitwich. . ..Barneby . Foley. Durham Trevor Chaytor; Essex. South' Bramstoo Leonard.:
Evesham Bort hwick Ilw'son.
Exeter Follett. Buller.
Gloacestershire, W. Lord Worcester Moirtou.'
Halifax Wortley Briggs. ,
Hampshire, South . Fleming Palmerston. Compton . . Staunton.
Harwich Bonham Tower.
lloniton Bailey Todd.
Rochdale Shropshire, North . Gore Scarborough French Southampton Dottin Hoy St. Alban's Grimston Suffidk, East Vero Suffolk. West Rushbrooke Surry, East Alsager S urry. West Barclay
Tem worth Peel
Tewkesbury Dowdeswell 'Truce Vivian Warrington Blackburne Ware iekshire, S...Mordaunt
Wigan Kearsley
Winchester Fast Worcester Bailey Yarmouth Bering Freed York I owther Hun Carruthers
1p.wich Dundee
Kelly Kent, West Geary Lancashire, South Egerton Wilbraham Leeds Beckett Leicestershire, S. . Turner Leicester Goillburn Gladstone
1 incolushire,Lindsey Corbett Lincoln Sibthorre
Maidstone I ewis Norfolk, East ....Walpole Woilehouse Northamptonsh., S. Kniglitley 'Oxford Maclean Poutefract l'olliugton East Itetford Buncombe Ripon D'Albiac Pemberton Entwistle Morrison.
Wa son Rider.
Molyueux, Wood. Marshall. Dawson. Ellis.
Ingilby. Ileneage. Barnett. Windham. Keppel. Althorn. Langston. Jerningham. Newark. Stavely. Crompton. Fenton. Cotes. Cayley. Atherley Penleaze. Vincent. 'awr. Tyrrell. Briscoe. Leech.
Townsend. Martin. Vivian. I loruby.
Mildmay. Davies. Anson. Rumbold. litre.
B ilinleargli Caunty.Clerk Dalrymple.
Itoxliarglishire Scutt Elliott.
Selkirkshire Pringle It Pringle.
lstirlingshire Fleming.
Forbes Athlone Matthew .. . Talbot .
Carlow County ...Breen Wallace.
Kavanagh Blackney.
Carlow Town Bruen Vigors. Cork Chatterton Baldwin. Leycester Callaghan. Kinsale Thomas 4tawell. Queen's County Vesey Labor.
2. Reformers have replaced Tories in the fol. following places, to the number of 20.
Finsbury Wakley gpankie. Hertford Cowper Ingestrie. London Pattison Lyall. Peterstleld. Hector Jolliffe.
Radnorshire Wilkins Lewis.
Rochester .. Hodges Mills.
Sudbury Bagslfaw Barnes.
Smith Walsh.
Weymouth Burden Johnstone. Dumbartonshire Deunistoun Colquhoun. Glasgow Dunlop Ewing. II add i ngtonshire Ferguson Balfour. Kilmarnock Bon ring Dunlop. Montrose Chalmers Ross.
Paisley gpeirs S 'wirer& Perthshire Mania Murray. Belfast McCance Chichester.
Galway Bodkin Daly. King's County ... Westenra Oxmantown.
Waterford Vyse Christmas.
3. Twelve Tories have replaced the same num- ber of Tories in Bedfordshire Alford, nee 'tuart.
Cirencester Somerset Ansley.
Dover Fector / I alcomb.
Iftilstoue Townsend Lane Fox.
Molten Chichester Villiers.
Lyinington Mackinnon Neale. Woodstock Churchill: Blandford.
Bandon Jackson Bernard.
Carrickfergus Kirke Dobbs.
Downnatrick Kerr Maxwell.
Portarlingtun Darner Gladstone.
Tyrone Hamilton Stewart.
4. Forty-seven Reformers have replaced the same number of Reformers in
Ashton Lushington, rice...Pmoy.intent.,.
Hindley Bridgewater Canterbury cL,e
Villiers la Leader e a m . . . . Tti Watsonyle ur. .
N tarnervon
Carmarthenshire Parryiams James.
Fordwich, Carlisle Marshall Paget. Coventry Williams Bawer. Derby Punsonby Cavendish. .
Grimsby Heneage Hastings Elphinstone Warre.
HaverNewark 1,1;eiyl duel z Phillips.
fordwest ... Scourlield Midhurst Handley.
Newcastle-upon-T . Ord Ilodgson. Nortlirdlerton . ...Wrightson Boss.
Reading Talfourd Palmer. Richmond Dundas. Southwark Speirs Harvey Brougham.
Stroud 1 lyett.
Suffolk. West Wilson
Tavistoel: Tyrrell.
Sunderland Barclay Thetford Rundle Fox.
Seymour Cornish Totness Cornish Warn ickshire. S. -Sheldon . sv
,%Nr'iiInttsilieo., North ..Long Astley.
Windsor Be Beauvoir kipith. .% l Wolverhampton ..Tliornely Aeicilll
Villiers Fryer.
Worcestershire, E.. Holland Russell.
Argyleshire Cempbell Callender. Kirkaldy Fergus Wigton Burghs !...M.a.cxtaggart Ferguson.
Dungannon ilig,tncoeowbx-a..rt . K
Dungannon O'Loughlin Ennis Limerick O'Brien Bridgman Macnamara.
Brabazon °F i tGzrgaedr:YI h 1 .
Louth P Bellew
giloair:glian Lucas 3 Browne.
Waterford ('eve Perrin. Wexford Maher O'Callaghan. Keane. Tipperary
PMusgrave o, ,.er Power NGE%„aaarfildniix-la;yr..t .
It appears from an inspection of the above catalogue of changes, that 'the great sufferers by the Dissolution arc the Whigs. In 1832, an undue preponderance of Whigs was certainly elected, but they have been reduced by their recent disasters to more moderate compass. Tories and Liberals have displaced them in all parts of the coun. -try ; and the result is upon the whole a more formidable Move- ment party than existed in the late Parliament. In many places the Trimmers have been discarded,-SPANK1E, HonsE,and BROUGHAM, in the Metropolis ; GODSON at Kidderminster; HODGSON at New- castle; EWING at Glasgow ; Ross at Montrose ; SANDFORD at Paisley ; J. BROWNE in Mayo ; OXMANTOWN in King's County ; and others, who were what the Tories call " Conservative Whigs." %Vhoever may have cause: to be dissatisfied with the result of thAate Elec- tions, the Liberal and Independent party must be pleased. Their strength is not diminished, on the balance of losses and gains, but considerably augmented.