On the 231 inst., at Ncwbattlo Abbey, Dalkeith, the Marchioness of LOTHIAN, of a
On the 27th inst., in Berkeley Square, the Lady SANS WALSH, of a daughter. Ou the 25th lust., at Barton Seagrove, Kettering. the Hon. Mrs. STOPFORD, of a
On the 20th inst., at The Oaks, Sorry, the Lady of Sir CHARLES EDWARD Ga',
of a son. Ou the 24th inst., the Lady of GEOROZ STERLING, Esq , of Baythorn Grove, Essex, of a daughter.
On the 25th inst., the Lady of T. D. BAINBRIDGE, Esq., of Croydon Lodge. Croydon,
of a daughter, stilbbotn. On the 25th lust.. at North Cerney, Gloucestershire, the Lady of Captain Illieelossr, of a son.
On the 25th inst., at Brompton, the Lady of Groans Ocu.s. Esq„ of a daughter.
which survived only a few hours.
On the 20th inst., at Coventry. the Lady of JADES Dawri, Esq., 8th Hussars, of a
On the 20th inst.. in Edinburgh, the Lady of Sir Hoot P. lions CAMPBELL, of
Marchmout and flume, Baronet. M.P. for the county of Berwick, of a daughter.
Oa the 26th inst., at Ashford Greve, near Ludlow, LA COUTEASS DS CROMIARE, of a daughter.
On the 20th iust.,„at Rolton.le-Bleor, the Lady of Major Parrott, of the 12th Regi- ment, of a sou. MARRIAGES.
On the 22c1 lust., at Itairstekir,. Fifeshire, Captain Sotamtvar.r, of the Scotch Greys, to Anna MARIA. Y.4,11.11gCS: e.uarL1mrr of tIlatte Major Gsneral,,Sit Homy Torrey...LC.9. On the 12th inst.. at Abergely, North Wales, the Right lion. Viscount FRANKFORT DE MONTMORIENOV, to GEORGINA FREDERICA, dau8liter of Peter Fitz Gibbon Ilittehey, Esq., of Merrion Square. On the 26th inst.. nt St. Nlarylebone Parish Church. Captain PHILIP AVG7TON BRA HAM, H.M. 79th Regiment of Highlanders, to ANNE, eldest daughter of t he late John l'yeroft, Esq. On the 1st inst., at Rome. Colonel MANLEY, Adjutant-General of the Poison forees. to II aattirr Manta, second daughter of the late W. Tandtard, Esq., of Taunton. Somersetshire.
On the 21st. inst., at Kenmell Perk, Denbighshire, after a few hours' illness, the
On the '21th inst., in Lower Sloane Street Chelsea, HENRY War.Turia, Esq in his 90th year.
On the 20th inst.,at Booterstown. the Right lion. JAMES FITZ wen A T.% in Mall:3,1year On the 13th inst., suddenly. at his seat. Elsbrock, near Haarlem, CHARLES LOUIS. Baron the Tuyll de Serooskerkeu. Seigneur d'Ysendoorn, and honorary Chamberlain to his Majesty the King of the Netherlands. On the 25:h inst.. in Sackville Street, the Rev. Ricnaan DERNEORD, Vicar of Good. worth Milord, Hants.
On the 22d inst., at Watford, in her 90th year Mrs. CLAPHAM, relict of John Clap- ham, Esq.
On the 17th inst., at Crossmolina, in the county of Mayo, owing to a severe blow on the head from the starting of a horse. the Rev. Unwire Sawa, Rector of the Union of Crossmolina.
On the 26th inst., HENRY EDWARD Swim Esq., of Grove End Road, Regent's Park, in his 5.3d ■ ear. On the '26th inst., at Ramsgate Mrs. CARLETON, widow of the late General Carleton, in her 83d year.
On the 26th inst., at Southampton, in her Roth year, Mrs. !Jaunty, widow of the Bee. Thomas Hambly, of Mardoek house. Herts. Rector of Bermondsey.
On the 23.1 inst., Miss MARY TAPPER, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, in her 80th year. On the 24th inst., in his 95th year ROBner IlisnEar,Esq , of Chalfont Iknse, Bucks, and of Birkes Hall, Cheshire.
On the 24th inst., in Bryanstone Street, Portman Square, Mrs. DRYSDALE in her 96th year. The beginning of last week at Treville Township, in Herefordshire, ANN EVANS, at the advanced gun! of 107 years. She scarcely had ever a day's sickness, and her reasoning faculties...were perfect until a few hours previous to her death.—Also at 'Pm- ire, a few days previously. .1 trnmt Itasca, aged 110; she perfectly remembered the great foist in December. 1739. which lasted nine weeks, being then about fifteen years old. She never woes either shoe or stocking, and her general health was good until about a week before her death,