In amenable our Tables of the New 11011,E or COMMONS,
we have followed a method which precluded the use of some elaborate voluntary contributions, in any other way than as red;. In this respect, some of them Lave twee valuable ; and we tender to our currespoudents, one and all, our hearty thanks for the trouble they have taken.
It has been our main object to avoid complexity, and to exhibit the subject in a few simple masses; so that every one may find the inform:atoll he is iu quest of, with little trouble. The Table No. I. sl.oas the Composition of the whole House ; No. II. the strength of Parties at the Polls ; No. ill. the Late Members alto have been throe II out. the New ones admitted. and those who have changed one Con- stituency tor ;mother ; No. IV. the respective Gains and Losses of Um two con- fileting parties.
The Account of Mr. TAYLOR'S Lect ores at the London Institution, and several other articles in the depart meat of Literature and Belles Lettres, are unavoidably post- poned.