31 JANUARY 1947, Page 17

A New Animal

About a generation ago, while spending a few months in Canada, was interested in an attempt to cross a Hereford with a buffalo, in the hope of producing stock that would endure the snow and frost of Northern Alberta. The new creature was then to be called the Cowlo. Practical difficulties in making the cross were great ; and it has taken nearly thirty years to establish a new breed that should be independent of the wild animal. I now read, in a note by Mr. James Montagnes, that " this year the long search for a reproductive strain ended with the birth of Cattalo calves to Cattalo cows mated with a Cattalo bull." It was said at first that the buffalo surpassed the cow, not so much because he was hardier, as because he faced the storm instead of turning his back on it. When previously—at the suggestion, I fancy, of Thompson Seton—yaks were suggested as an alternative, the only place where animals for experiment could be procured was Woburn Park! Similarly a seeker after the true Labrador retriever could find it only in the Hertfordshire kennels of Mr. Holland-Hibbert!