The Exodus From Britain
SIR,—May I answer Mr. Arnold's letter of last week? If you go, as I did, to the Southern Rhodesian office in the Strand and ask whether there, is anything you can do to emigrate......
French Political Parties
SIR,—Dr. David Thomson refers to " the more authoritarian right-wing groups, such as the P.R.L." I submit that with the exception of the moribund Union Gaulliste• there are no......
The New Poland
Snt,—I shall be glad if you would allow me to express the opinion of a group of polish students from the University and Technical College in Lodz. We were shocked reading the......
Unions And Strikers
SIR,—The leading article in your issue of January 57th contains an inaccuracy in the first paragraph which is liable to mislead your readers. You state that the decision of the......
A Curb On Betting
SIR,—Though only a very occasional and modest gambler myself, I feel that both Janus and your correspondent, L. E. Ball, take rather a super-' ficial and one-sidec: view of the......
The Mis-use Of Man-power
SIR,—Mr. St. John Ervine is not the only reader of The Spectator to be perplexed at the lunatic aspects of our man-power shortage problem. In a recent B.B.C. broadcast it. was......
The Elections In Poland
SIR,—You rightly state that the recent elections in Poland were a farce: But is it correct to say that the previous Polish elections were conducted in the same way? I think......
South Africa And U.n.o.
SIR, —In your issue of January 24th there is a letter from J. Haarhoff justifying the colour bar in South Africa because of the "primitive savagery " of the natives. He......
Coal And Exports
SIR,—In your issue cf .January 24th, under the heading A Year's Trade, is the comment, " It is hard to explain how an increase of about 45 aer cent. ever the pre-war labour......