31 JANUARY 1947, page 17

Country Life

IN a charming old village very familiar to me a native protest wad aroused by an agent's proposal to substitute corrugated iron for thatchj in some cottages under repair ; and......

Journalistic " Headaches " Ste,—the Last Two Lines In A

Spectator's Notebook, of January 24th, badly needed saying. What kind of mind hatches them in the first place, and why do not senior officials or most editors strangle them at......

The Rook Population

Stk,—The recent B.B.C. account of the results of an inquiry which has been going on for some time into the habits of rooks will cause surprise. It seems that over 8c per cent.......


Sim,—The remarks on insomnia by Janus do perpetuate a fallacy shared by many—medicos included—that that affliction is much more distressing that in point of fact it is.......

A New Animal

About a generation ago, while spending a few months in Canada, was interested in an attempt to cross a Hereford with a buffalo, in the hope of producing stock that would endure......

In My Garden

My (alleged) gardener has used all available cloches for covering the celery, and I think he was right. Though celery is held to be little good till it is frosted, heavy frost......

Piecework And A Snorter Week

Sta,—Whilst knowing nothing of production with the 7o- or 8o-hour week, I think the claim that there is no loss with the shorter hours is rather negatived by the fact that, in......

Thirsty Birds In The First Of The Hard Frosts That

succeeded some days of delightful warmth a blackbird in my garden was watched seeking water in a little concrete pond, and his disappointment was obvious. So during the warm......

The Life Of Lloyd-george

SIR, —There was -an inaccuracy in the first paragraph of the Notebook last week which I should be glad if-you would correct. It is Mr. Malcolm Thomson who is writing the......

An Eighteenth-century M.p.

SIR, —The letter on the vagaries of an eighteenth-century M.P., of which Mr. L. A. Abraham doubted the authenticity in his letter in The Spectator of December 13th, was......

An Oxford Garden It Is Claimed As A Salient Example

of the advancing modernity of Oxford, alleged home of lost causes, that it has become a sort of headquarters- of agricultural economy. It has long seemed to me singularly......

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