for one guinea will 63 cwarded so, the sender of the firs: correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened liter noon on Tuesday week. Envelopes •houll be received not laser than first post that day and must bear the mod "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below. and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)
1. Recipe for near-godliness. (4, 3, 5.)
9. Of course it cuts down the time of travel.
c. A little dump here, one gets. 1. Said to have a cure for unemploy- ment.
Sly cat, Mac, causing all this trouble.
4. Not the university for locksmiths.
s. The same again.
" The -Mikado ' wasn't put on here,
or was It?
S. Bone, Rover! Go seek!
The commodity this is intended to carry should not contain the entire supply. (3, 6.) A very 'large nautical order.
Well of English undefyled." (Spenser.) • Many a vocalist has promised to sing such songs.
• However ornate they may be their contents should now be austere. (6, 6.)
1. " Nothing is here for tears." (5, 4.) 2. must have crawled out of a tree.
3. April goes to bed.
4. One brownish shade is another, he says.
5. A ratter breaks the spell, the re- maining parts of which are ides:triad.
6. One must go to the Black Market for this.
7. Shakespeare's ages.
8. Harold passes over the top of the Wm x2. If his prediction is certainty it should be a dead certainty. 14. One does not need this entertainment to enjoy it on the stage. 16. Tortoises that fasten one down to earth?
18. It used to put heart into ships and sailors. (3, 4.) ro, 23. I drag it next in far-fetched legal proceedings.
zt. In timber it's no good for bread- making.
z6. Wednesday tree.